How does the BIOTROHN® Frequency Generator work?

As we already know, we are not only matter but also electricity. Each entity has its own frequency and it varies depending on whether it is a healthy cell, a pathogen or a diseased cell. Broadly speaking, Biotrohn works by releasing electrons from electrodes that travel through the body, inactivating pathogens and toxins along the way. Speaking of electricity in general, parasites and diseased tissues are positively charged (= lack of electrons).

 Biotrohn introduces negatively charged electrons through the skin into the living tissues of the body, causing parasites to die by reversing polarity. They also help heal diseased tissue because healthy tissue is negatively charged.

Therefore, the Biotrohn frequency generator is also effective in the treatment of pain. Pain involves an accumulation of hydrogen (positive ions, H+) in the area, which leads to inflammation.

Bioelectricity provides negative ions (electrons) to counteract the positive hydrogen ions. Whenever there is pain, inflammation or disease in an area, the electrical charge levels are low. Biotrohn also restores healthy levels of electrical charge to the cell: about 100 millivolts (mV). Note that an aging cell has a charge of 50 mV and a cancer cell has a charge of 15 mV. On the other hand, the electrons provided by the Biotrohn electric current help to increase the polarity of the lymph, making it flow better throughout the body.

This is important because lymph circulates much more slowly than blood because it does not have an organ to propel it like the heart. Cells depend on the lymphatic system to receive oxygen and water and to remove the waste products they produce.

Microcurrents also recharge energy levels at the intracellular level by increasing mitochondrial ATP production by 500% and cellular protein uptake by 40% to 50%. As a result, many patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have significantly increased their energy levels..